Board of Directors
Wendy Buresh - President
Retired Family Medicine Physician
Barbara Holden - Vice President
Associate Director, Contracts Operations, Collins Aerospace
Kris Gulick - Treasurer
Owner, Kris G. Gulick, CPA, PLC
Jan Altorfer - Secretary
Community Volunteer
Chris Wand - Past President
Project Architect, Primus Companies
Kelly Albert
Utilities Communication Specialist, City of Cedar Rapids
Theresa Blong
Vice President and Credit Dept. Manager, Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust
Robert Cook
Retired Educator
Molly Donahue
Teacher, Metro High School
Iowa State House of Representatives
Jack Gonder
Senior Vice President, Eastern Iowa Market President, Bankers Trust
Ann Koppenhaver
CPA, Koppenhaver & Associates, PC
Zack Kucharski
Executive Editor, The Gazette
Liz Mathis
Economic Development Coordinator, City of Hiawatha
Mary Ann Peters
Jed Peterson
Professor of History Kirkwood Community College
Cathie Payvandi
Lisa Ramlo
Former Senior Group Director and Midsouth Analyst, Stryker Corporation
John Swanson
Community Volunteer
Adam Vargason
Tax Manager and CPA, RSM US LLP
Peter Welch
Retired Attorney, Elderkin & Pirnie, PLC